link to studio1.1

video projection





version 1

Devlin habitually avoids making any art, preferring rather to languish in the Ur stages of the art process. He frets not about what artwork he will make but rather indulges himself in neurotic self-analysis about what art itself is.

Devlin is a self-confessed cynic. His videos are full of references to belief, and more specifically his inability to believe in himself as an artist or really to believe in art. He suggests that if he might only pretend to act like an artist, he might successfully pull off the illusion of being, or at least feeling, like an artist. In his work, Devlin conceives of a seductive and plausible decoy to deflect the attention of the audience away from the gaping absence of his own work.

Devlin is, then, an expert in making meta-artworks: objects and statements that explain art or function as its accessories or souvenirs, but can never be taken for the artwork themselves.

Devlin has just enough charisma, just enough hint of vulnerability, to fool his audience into believing in the sincerity of his soul-searching, the real agony behind his tormented artist act.

version 2

Voluptur sit andantotam fuga. Mus accae non eosantur? Ximus, aut laborunt eum recum ipsanti voluptatusae porere poreptatur? Quis aut reiur, offici ipis ut ut poribust la porporendic te conet modis alitius ilit a pro vitaece pratiis si alicium si quas doluptur? Quiassequod excest est etum sedi tecus et iliquat.

Int fugiam erspeles corenihil ipid qui blam hiliquatia dita pre dolorup iendam quos est et facea dolum harum es et quiantibus maio ea voluptatem ratempor as ex eaque el ius isitatus, alictatemolo ipsum nobis sapici dolendit recus.

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