• July 8, 2017

Clamp-town” was a nick name Kathleen and I had for our bookstand. We also would refer to New York City that way at times. Clamps were used constantly in operating the bookstand and played a big part in how the project was able to be sculptural for us. As I continued to steward the stand on my own, clamps, particularly the clamps we used together, began to become sculptural potential unto themselves. I began including them as such and playfully as as part of the bookstand and its process. I titled this one with the chopsticks after the constellation Orion.

  • October 14, 2016

Wenn ich es bedenke, so muss ich sagen, dass mir meine Erziehung in mancher Richtung sehr geschadet hat. Dieser Vorwurf trifft eine Menge Leute naemlich meine Eltern, einige Verwandte, einzelne Besucher unseres Hauses, verschiedene Schriftsteller, eine ganz bestimmte Koechin, die mich ein Jahr lang zur Schule fuehrte, einen Haufen Lehrer, (die ich in meiner Erinnerung eng zusammen drucken muss sonst entfaellt mir hie und da einer da ich sie aber zo zusammengedraengt habe, broeckelt wieder das ganze stellenweise ab) ein Schulinspektor langsam gehende Passanten kurz dieser Vorwurf windet sich wie ein Dolch durch die Gesellschaft.

  • September 28, 2016

The stories she has to tell take place in seedy hotel rooms, lonely apartments, in bars and sex clubs and patches of woodland. Obsession, repression, sexual fantasy, secrets, solitude and a very bleak kind of humour are among the artist’s subjects. The work is full of character, and the character is the artist’s best invention.

  • September 28, 2016

Well I’ve always been interested in fashion and also being a cross dresser, that kind of gives me a relationship with these girls I thought and I just started looking through magazines really like Dazed and Confused and fashion magazines, images from 1940s film posters, ’50s film posters, looked at the way they were making images.

  • October 9, 2016

My thing is drawing.  Simple black lines on white background. This is usually my starting point. Then I just choose the drawings I like best and place them in different spaces and situations, sometimes on paper or as cut-outs on a gallery wall or in somebody’s home or somewhere outside in nature or an inspiring urban setting.