an idea on the move


First shown at studio1.1 [img-txt-msg] on 3 March 2013


last updated 26 April 2013



this is a text that shifts / moves / travels through languages / friends / time to emerge with new meanings:


A1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



A2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

A3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



A4 Isabelle Gamon

L’idée de départ serait d’étendre les plateformes d’échanges a travers différents contextes et différents langues afin de créer un dialogue entre les lieux et les personnes. C’est une idée un peu à part, en retrait, une idée en train de se traduire. Et ce texte, une fois traduit, va opérer des transformations, et deviendra un nouveau texte. La traduction permet de naviguer entre les différents langages en créant tout un réseau de pensées. Elle permet une interaction entre des expériences simultanées. C’est un processus fragile, vulnérable incomplet, incompris, avec ses faiblesses. Le projet peut ainsi réussir ou échouer. Son résultat, sa réalisation même demeurent incertains. Sa vulnérabilité réside précisément dans son aspect ouvert, c’est là sa nature même. Un des aspects de l’idée artistique est que l’art n’est pas une représentation singulière.



A5 Grant McLean
The initial idea is to extend the platforms for exchange across different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between place and people. It is a somewhat unusual concept, slightly timid; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, will transform and become a new text. The translation lets you navigate between different languages by creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows for interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is a fragile process; vulnerable, incomplete, misunderstood, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and even its very realisation, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness, which is its very nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not a singular representation.



A6 Janko Matić
Početna ideja je proširiti platforme za razmjenu kroz različite kontekste i jezike te stvoriti dijalog između mjesta i ljudi. To je na neki način neobičan koncept, pomalo zastrašujući; to je ideja u procesu prevođenja. I ovaj tekst, jednom preveden, će biti problikovan te će postati novi tekst. Prijevod omogućava navigiranje kroz različite jezike putem stvaranja mreže misli. To omogućava interakciju između istodobnih iskustava. To je krhak proces, ranjiv, nepotpun, neshvaćen i ima svoje slabosti. Projekt može uspjeti ili ne uspjeti. Rezultat, pa čak i njegovo ostvarenje, ostaje neizvjesan. Njegova ranjivost leži upravo u njegovoj otvorenosti, što je i njegova sama priroda. Jedan od aspekata umjetničke ideje je da umjetnost nije singularan prikaz.




A7 Katarina Dragoslavić
The starting point is to widen the platforms for exchange through different contexts and languages and then to create a dialogue between places and people. That is in a way an unusual concept, a bit frightening, it’s is an idea in the process of translation. Also, this text, once translated will be transformed into a new one. Translation enables us to navigate trough different languages and in that way, makes us spread our thoughts. This enables interaction between present experiences. This is a fragile process, superficial, incomprehensive and has weaknesses. The project may or may not be successful. The result, and also it’s completion, remains uncertain. It’s weakness is in it’s openness, which is it’s nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not an isolated presentation.




A8 Jeanne Okretic
O ponto de partida é ampliar as plataformas de trocas por meio de diferentes contextos e linguagens, para assim, se criar um diálogo entre lugares e pessoas. O conceito, de certa maneira, é incomum, um pouco assustador, é uma ideia em processo de tradução. Além disso, este texto, uma vez traduzido será transformado em um novo texto. Tradução nos permite navegar por diferentes línguas fazendo com que nossos pensamentos sejam proliferados. Isso permite uma interação entre experiências presentes. O processo é delicado, superficial, incompreensível e tem suas fraquezas. O projeto pode ou não ser bem sucedido. O resultado que é também a conclusão, permanece incerto. O projeto é delicado por ser um processo em aberto, o que é natural. Um dos aspectos da ideia do artista é de que a arte não é uma apresentação isolada.



A9 studio1.3
The starting point is to expand the platforms of exchange through different contexts and languages, thereby, creating a dialogue between people and places. The concept, in a way, is unusual, somewhat scary, is an idea in the translation process. Additionally, this text once translated will be transformed into a new text. Translation allows us to navigate through different languages so that our thoughts are proliferated. This allows an interaction between these experiences. The process is gentle, shallow, incomprehensible and has its weaknesses. The idea may or may not be successful. The result is that the conclusion also remains uncertain. The design is delicate because it is an open process, which is natural. One aspect of the artist’s idea that art is not an isolated presentation.



B1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.


B2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti. E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione. E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee. È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso. Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti. È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è il suo carattere. Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

B3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



B4 Gilbert Barillé

Cela a commencé comme une idée pour l’extension de plateformes pour le compte de l’échange de contextes et de langues entre gens et lieux. C’est une idée d’escamotage, une idée en traduction. Et ce texte, traduit, émergera avec des différences, pour devenir un nouveau texte. La traduction peut glisser entre les langues pour structurer les mailles de la pensée. Elle permet l’interaction entre des expériences simultanées. Elle est vulnérable et ouverte a l’inachèvement, a l’échec, a l’incompréhension. Ce projet peut réussir ou bien rater, son résultat et l’idée même de son aboutissement restent incertain. Il est vulnérable précisément due au fait qu’il reste ouvert, ceci est son caractère. Un aspect de l’idée de l’art lui- même est que ce n’est pas une idée singulière.



B5 Laurent Kellerson Loz

It started as an idea for extending the platforms for the exchange of contexts, and of languages between people and places. Its an idea of retraction, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation can slide between languages to structure the underpinnings of thought. It permits interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to being unfinished, a failure, incomprehensible. This project can succeed or fail, its result and even the idea of its reaching its goal remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to remaining open, this is its character. An aspect of the idea of art itself is that it is not a single idea.


B6 Alex Jul

Začelo se je kot ideja za razširitev platforme za izmenjavo kontekstov in jezikov med ljudmi in kraji. Gre za idejo umika, idejo v prevodu. To prevedeno besedilo se pojavi z razlikami in postane novo besedilo. Prevod lahko drsi med jeziki in strukturira podstat misli. Omogoča interakcijo simultanih doživetij. Je ranljiv in dovzeten za nedokončanost, za neuspeh, za nerazumljivost. Ta projekt lahko uspe ali pa propade in celo ideja o doseganju svojega cilja je lahko negotova. Ranljiv je ravno zato ker je odprt, to je njegova značilnost. En aspekt same ideje umetnosti je ta, da ne gre za posamezno idejo.




B7 Gašper Jemec

It started as an idea to expand the platform for exchange of languages and contexts between people and places. This is the idea of withdrawal, an idea in the translation. This translated text appears with the differences and becomes the new text. Translation can slip between languages and structured foundation of thought. It allows simultaneous interaction experiences. It is vulnerable and susceptible to incompleteness, for failure to incomprehensibility. This project can succeed or fail, and even the idea of achieving your goal may be uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely because it is open, it is it’s character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a single idea.



C1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.


C2 Santuzza Affonseca
Começou com a ideia de estender plataformas trocando os contextos das línguas através de diálogos entre pessoas e lugares. Esse texto, depois de traduzido, emergirá com diferenças, se tornará um outro texto. Traduções podem passar gradualmente de línguas para estruturar correntes de pensamento. Libera simultaneamente experiências para iteração. É uma sucessão, uma consequência e certamente a ideia de finalizar é incerta por causa da sua amplitude é vulnerável, esse é seu carater. Uma coisa sobre a ideia de arte é que não é uma ideia única.




C3 Rodrigo Oliveira
It started with the idea of extending platforms and swapping the contexts of language through dialogues between people and places. This text, after being translated, will emerge with differences and it will become another text. Translations can gradually shift from language to structuring schools of thought. Releases simultaneously experiences for iteration. It is a succession, a consequence and for certain the idea of finishing is uncertain because its amplitude is vulnerable, that is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that art is not a unique idea.


C4 a





D1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



D2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

D3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



D4 Isabelle Gamon

L’idée de départ serait d’étendre les plateformes d’échanges a travers différents contextes et différents langues afin de créer un dialogue entre les lieux et les personnes. C’est une idée un peu à part, en retrait, une idée en train de se traduire. Et ce texte, une fois traduit, va opérer des transformations, et deviendra un nouveau texte. La traduction permet de naviguer entre les différents langages en créant tout un réseau de pensées. Elle permet une interaction entre des expériences simultanées. C’est un processus fragile, vulnérable incomplet, incompris, avec ses faiblesses. Le projet peut ainsi réussir ou échouer. Son résultat, sa réalisation même demeurent incertains. Sa vulnérabilité réside précisément dans son aspect ouvert, c’est là sa nature même. Un des aspects de l’idée artistique est que l’art n’est pas une représentation singulière.



D5 Grant McLean
The initial idea is to extend the platforms for exchange across different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between place and people. It is a somewhat unusual concept, slightly timid; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, will transform and become a new text. The translation lets you navigate between different languages by creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows for interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is a fragile process; vulnerable, incomplete, misunderstood, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and even its very realization, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness, which is its very nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not a singular representation.



D6 Àlex Young-Aliaga
La idea inicial és ampliar les plataformes per a l’intercanvi en diferents contextos i llenguatges per crear un diàleg entre el lloc i la gent. És un concepte una mica inusual, una mica tímida, una idea en el procés de traducció. I aquest text, un cop traduït, es transforma i converteix en un nou text. La traducció li permet navegar entre les diferents llengües mitjançant la creació de tota una xarxa de pensaments. Permet la interacció entre les experiències simultànies. És un procés fràgil, vulnerable, incomprès incompleta, amb les seves pròpies debilitats. El projecte pot tenir èxit o fracassar. El resultat, i fins i tot la seva pròpia realització, segueix sent incert. La seva vulnerabilitat radica precisament en la seva obertura, que és la seva pròpia naturalesa. Un dels aspectes de la idea artística és que l’art no és una representació singular.



D7 Lucija Stojević
The idea is to broaden the sharing platforms in different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between places and people. This concept is a bit unusual, a little shy; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, is transformed into a new text. Translation allows you to navigate between different languages by setting up a network of thoughts. It allows simultaneous, interactive experiences. It’s a fragile process, vulnerable, misunderstood incomplete, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and above all its own realization, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness; that is its nature. One aspect of art is the idea that art is not a unique representation.


D8 Iris Dostal

Es geht darum, diverse Plattformen des Austauschs zu erweitern, in unterschiedlichen Kontexte und Sprachen, um Dialoge zwischen Orten und Menschen herzustellen.
Dieses Konzept ist ein bißchen unübich, ein wenig scheu; eine Idee im Prozeß des Übersetzens. Und dieser Text, einmal übersetzt, ist in einen neuen Text transformiert. Übersetzung erlaubt einem, zwischen verschiedenen Sprachen zu navigieren, in einem vorhandenem Gedankennetzwerk. Es läßt simultan interaktive Experimente zu. Es ist ein fragiler ungeschützter Prozeß, mißverständlich, unvollständig, mit seinen eigenen Schwächen. Das Projekt kann Erfolg haben oder scheitern. Das Ergebnis, und vor allem seine Verwirklichung oder die daraus gewonnene Erkenntnis, bleibt ungewiss. Die Schwachstelle des Projekts liegt gerade in seiner Offenheit, das liegt in der Natur der Sache. Ein Aspekt von Kunst ist, daß Kunst nicht die einzig mögliche Darstellung ist.


D9 Peter Znidarić

The matter is – to expand different platforms of exchange in various contexts and languages to create dialogues between locations and people. this concept is a little untypical also lets say reserved – an idea proceeding while translating. And this text – once translated – gets transformed into a new text. translation allows to navigate between languages in an existing network of minds. its open for simultaneous interactive experiments.It’s a fragile unprotected process – mistakable – incomplete , with its own indulgences. this project can be very successful or it can drop down. the result and especially its realisation or the generated perception – stays vague. The week point of this project you find in his wide open mind – it’s in the nature of the matter. One aspect of art is that art is not the only way of mimesis.


D10 Daniella Gotsi
Το ζήτημα είναι, να επεκταθούμε προς διαφορετικές πλατφόρμες ανταλλαγής σε διάφορα πλαίσια και γλώσσες, για τη δημιουργία διαλόγων μεταξύ τόπων και ανθρώπων. Η ιδέα αυτή είναι λίγο ασυνήθιστη, ακόμη και επιφυλακτική· μια ιδέα που εξελίσσεται κατά τη μετάφραση. Και αυτό το κείμενο, μόλις μεταφραστεί, μεταμορφώνεται σε ένα νέο κείμενο. Η μετάφραση επιτρέπει την πλοήγηση ανάμεσα σε γλώσσες σε ένα υπάρχον δίκτυο μυαλών. Είναι ανοιχτή στη διενέργεια ταυτόχρονων διαδραστικών πειραμάτων. Είναι μια εύθραυστη και απροστάτευτη διαδικασία, συγχέουσα, ανολοκλήρωτη, με τις δικές της εντρυφύσεις. Το σχέδιο αυτό ενδέχεται ή να είναι πολύ επιτυχημένο ή να αποτύχει τελείως. Το αποτέλεσμα και ειδικότερα η πραγματοποίησή του ή η παράγουσα αντίληψή του παραμένει ασαφής. Το αδύνατο σημείο του σχεδίου αυτού βρίσκεται στην παντελώς ανοιχτή του ιδέα· είναι στη φύση του ζητήματος. Μια εκδοχή της τέχνης είναι ότι η η τέχνη δεν είναι αποτελεί το μοναδικό τρόπο μίμησης.





E1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



E2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

E3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



E4 Gaby Von Oppenheim



F1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



F2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

F3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



F4 Natalia Kempowsky

Empezó como una idea para la extensión de plataformas debido al intercambio de contextos y lenguajes mediante diálogos entre las personas y los lugares. Es una idea que está apunto de ser eliminada, una idea cambiante. Y este texto, traducido, emergerá con algunas diferencias para convertirse en un nuevo texto. La traducción tiene la facultad de oscilar entre los lenguajes y las redes estructurales del pensamiento. Permite la interacción de experiencias simultáneas. Es vulnerable y está sujeta a quedar inconclusa, al fracaso y a ser malinterpretada. Este proyecto podría ser un éxito o un fracaso. Su resultado, de hecho, la idea de su culminación, permanece incierta. Es vulnerable, precisamente, al estar expuesto al cambio; este es su carácter, su naturaleza. Un aspecto importante de la noción de arte, es que no se puede definir con una sola idea.







G1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



G2 Aya Fukami









H1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



H2 Àlex Young-Aliaga
Tot va començar com una idea d’ampliar les plataformes d’intercanvi de contextos i llenguatges a través del diàleg entre les persones i els llocs. És una idea en moviment, una idea en la traducció. Aquest text traduït, sortirà amb diferències, per convertir-se en un altre text. La traducció pot lliscar entre les llengües a les xarxes de l’estructura del pensament. Permet experiències simultànies per interactuar. És vulnerable i obert a dades incompletes, així com el fracàs i la incomprensió. Aquest projecte pot fracassar o tenir èxit, els seus resultats i fins i tot la idea de la seva. finalització és incerta. I només per aquesta obertura és vulnerable, aquest és el seu caràcter. L’art no és una idea única.



H3 Maria Lafuente
Everything started as an idea to widen the platforms for exchange of contexts and languages through dialogue between people and places. This idea is in motion, in translation. This translated text will contain differences from the source text therefore it will become a different text. Translation may vary from language to language within the networks of structure of thought. It allows simultaneous interacting experiences. It is vulnerable and open to both, incomplete data and failure and lack of understanding. This project can fail or succeed; its results and even the idea of fulfilling it are uncertain, and it is this opening what makes it vulnerable; this is its nature. Art is not a single idea.



H4 Sharmin Khan




I1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



I2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

I3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



I4 Isabelle Gamon

L’idée de départ serait d’étendre les plateformes d’échanges a travers différents contextes et différents langues afin de créer un dialogue entre les lieux et les personnes. C’est une idée un peu à part, en retrait, une idée en train de se traduire. Et ce texte, une fois traduit, va opérer des transformations, et deviendra un nouveau texte. La traduction permet de naviguer entre les différents langages en créant tout un réseau de pensées. Elle permet une interaction entre des expériences simultanées. C’est un processus fragile, vulnérable incomplet, incompris, avec ses faiblesses. Le projet peut ainsi réussir ou échouer. Son résultat, sa réalisation même demeurent incertains. Sa vulnérabilité réside précisément dans son aspect ouvert, c’est là sa nature même. Un des aspects de l’idée artistique est que l’art n’est pas une représentation singulière.



I5 Grant McLean
The initial idea is to extend the platforms for exchange across different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between place and people. It is a somewhat unusual concept, slightly timid; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, will transform and become a new text. The translation lets you navigate between different languages by creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows for interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is a fragile process; vulnerable, incomplete, misunderstood, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and even its very realisation, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness, which is its very nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not a singular representation.



I6 Janko Matić
Početna ideja je proširiti platforme za razmjenu kroz različite kontekste i jezike te stvoriti dijalog između mjesta i ljudi. To je na neki način neobičan koncept, pomalo zastrašujući; to je ideja u procesu prevođenja. I ovaj tekst, jednom preveden, će biti problikovan te će postati novi tekst. Prijevod omogućava navigiranje kroz različite jezike putem stvaranja mreže misli. To omogućava interakciju između istodobnih iskustava. To je krhak proces, ranjiv, nepotpun, neshvaćen i ima svoje slabosti. Projekt može uspjeti ili ne uspjeti. Rezultat, pa čak i njegovo ostvarenje, ostaje neizvjesan. Njegova ranjivost leži upravo u njegovoj otvorenosti, što je i njegova sama priroda. Jedan od aspekata umjetničke ideje je da umjetnost nije singularan prikaz.




I7 Harisa Agić
The initial idea is to expand the sharing platform through various contexts and languages, as well as to create a dialogue between people and places. That is, somehow, an unusual concept, somewhat intimidating; it is the idea in the translation process. Once translated, this text will be reshaped and become a new text. Translations enable navigation through different languages by creating a network of thought. This enables interaction between concurrent experiences. This process is fragile, vulnerable, incomplete, and misunderstood, having its on weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, even its realization, remains uncertain. The vulnerability lies within its openness, which is its nature itself. One of the aspects of artistic idea is that art is not a singular view.




8 a

J1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



J2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

J3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



J4 Isabelle Gamon

L’idée de départ serait d’étendre les plateformes d’échanges a travers différents contextes et différents langues afin de créer un dialogue entre les lieux et les personnes. C’est une idée un peu à part, en retrait, une idée en train de se traduire. Et ce texte, une fois traduit, va opérer des transformations, et deviendra un nouveau texte. La traduction permet de naviguer entre les différents langages en créant tout un réseau de pensées. Elle permet une interaction entre des expériences simultanées. C’est un processus fragile, vulnérable incomplet, incompris, avec ses faiblesses. Le projet peut ainsi réussir ou échouer. Son résultat, sa réalisation même demeurent incertains. Sa vulnérabilité réside précisément dans son aspect ouvert, c’est là sa nature même. Un des aspects de l’idée artistique est que l’art n’est pas une représentation singulière.



J5 Grant McLean
The initial idea is to extend the platforms for exchange across different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between place and people. It is a somewhat unusual concept, slightly timid; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, will transform and become a new text. The translation lets you navigate between different languages by creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows for interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is a fragile process; vulnerable, incomplete, misunderstood, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and even its very realisation, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness, which is its very nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not a singular representation.



J6 Janko Matić
Početna ideja je proširiti platforme za razmjenu kroz različite kontekste i jezike te stvoriti dijalog između mjesta i ljudi. To je na neki način neobičan koncept, pomalo zastrašujući; to je ideja u procesu prevođenja. I ovaj tekst, jednom preveden, će biti problikovan te će postati novi tekst. Prijevod omogućava navigiranje kroz različite jezike putem stvaranja mreže misli. To omogućava interakciju između istodobnih iskustava. To je krhak proces, ranjiv, nepotpun, neshvaćen i ima svoje slabosti. Projekt može uspjeti ili ne uspjeti. Rezultat, pa čak i njegovo ostvarenje, ostaje neizvjesan. Njegova ranjivost leži upravo u njegovoj otvorenosti, što je i njegova sama priroda. Jedan od aspekata umjetničke ideje je da umjetnost nije singularan prikaz.




J7 Michal Strižko
Prvotná idea je rozšírenie platformy pre výmenu medzi rôznymi kontextami a jazykmi a tak vytvoriť dialóg medzi miestami a ľuďmi. To je nejakým spôsobom neobyčajný koncept, pomaly zastrašujúci , to je idea v procese prekladu. A tento text, jeden krát preložený, bude premenený a tak sa stane novým textom. Preklad umožňuje navigáciu cez rôzne jazyky vytváraním siete mysli. To umožňuje interakciu medzi simultánnymi skúsenosťami. To je krehký proces, zraniteľný, nekompletný, nepochopený a ma svoje slabosti. Projekt môže byt úspešný alebo neúspešný. Výsledok, a aj jeho dosiahnutie ostáva neistý. Jeho zraniteľnosť leží práve v jeho otvorenosti, čo je aj jeho samotný charakter. Jeden od aspektov umeleckej myšlienky je že samé umenie nie je singulárny pohľad.




8 a




J1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



K2 Boris Kajmak
Zapocelo je kao ideja o prosirenju platformi kroz promjenu konteksta i jezika putem dijaloga u odnosu ljudi i mjesta. Ideja u pokretu, ideja u prijevodu.
Ovaj tekst, preveden, biti ce izmijenjen te pretvoren u neki drugi tekst. Sam prijevod moze stvoriti mrezu misli koje se nalaze na razmedju dva jezika te omogucuje simultanu interakciju. Takav postaje izlozen nepotpunosti kao i ukupnoj promasenosti te nerazumljivosti.
Ovaj projekt mozda uspije ili ne. Rezultat kao i sama ideja o zavrsetku istog je upitna. Otvorenost projekta cini ga ranjivim, ali mu time daje karakter.
Jedna stavka umjetnicke ideje jest da nije samo jedna ideja.








L1 original
It started as an idea to extend platforms by exchanges of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and locations. It’s an idea on the move, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become another text. Translation can slip between languages to structure networks of thought. It enables simultaneous experiences to interact. It is vulnerable and open to incompletion as well as failure and misunderstanding. This project may fail or it may succeed, its outcome and even the idea of its completion is uncertain. And because of this openness it is vulnerable, this is its character. One thing about the idea of art is that it isn’t a single idea.



L2 john Stuart
Iniziò come un’idea per l’estenzione di piattaforme per via dello scambio di contesti e lingue attraverso dialoghi tra persone e posti.  E’ un’idea in traslazione, un’idea in traduzione.  E questo testo, tradotto, emergerà con differenze, per divenire un testo nuovo.  La traduzione è capace di slittare tra lingue per strutturare reti di pensieri.  Permette l’interazione di esperienze simultanee.  È vulnerabile e aperta all’incompletezza, al fallimento, al malinteso.  Questo progetto potrà fallire o avere successo, l’esito, addirittura l’idea del suo compimento, rimangono incerti.  È vulnerabile appunto debito al suo rimanere aperto, questo è  il suo carattere.  Un aspetto dell’idea dell’arte è che non è  un’idea singolare.

L3 Lucio Rosa

It began as an idea for the extension of platforms on account of the exchange of contexts and languages through dialogues between people and places. It is an idea in removal, an idea in translation. And this text, translated, will emerge with differences, to become a new text. Translation is capable of sliding between languages to structure nets of thought. It permits the interaction of simultaneous experiences. It is vulnerable and open to incompleteness, failure, misunderstanding. This project may succeed or fail, the outcome, indeed the idea of its fulfillment, remain uncertain. It is vulnerable precisely due to its remaining open, this is its character. One aspect of the idea of art is that it is not a singular idea.



L4 Isabelle Gamon

L’idée de départ serait d’étendre les plateformes d’échanges a travers différents contextes et différents langues afin de créer un dialogue entre les lieux et les personnes. C’est une idée un peu à part, en retrait, une idée en train de se traduire. Et ce texte, une fois traduit, va opérer des transformations, et deviendra un nouveau texte. La traduction permet de naviguer entre les différents langages en créant tout un réseau de pensées. Elle permet une interaction entre des expériences simultanées. C’est un processus fragile, vulnérable incomplet, incompris, avec ses faiblesses. Le projet peut ainsi réussir ou échouer. Son résultat, sa réalisation même demeurent incertains. Sa vulnérabilité réside précisément dans son aspect ouvert, c’est là sa nature même. Un des aspects de l’idée artistique est que l’art n’est pas une représentation singulière.



L5 Grant McLean
The initial idea is to extend the platforms for exchange across different contexts and languages to create a dialogue between place and people. It is a somewhat unusual concept, slightly timid; an idea in the process of translation. And this text, once translated, will transform and become a new text. The translation lets you navigate between different languages by creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows for interaction between simultaneous experiences. It is a fragile process; vulnerable, incomplete, misunderstood, with its own weaknesses. The project can succeed or fail. The result, and even its very realization, remains uncertain. Its vulnerability lies precisely in its openness, which is its very nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art is not a singular representation.



L6 Àlex Young-Aliaga
La idea inicial és ampliar les plataformes per a l’intercanvi en diferents contextos i llenguatges per crear un diàleg entre el lloc i la gent. És un concepte una mica inusual, una mica tímida, una idea en el procés de traducció. I aquest text, un cop traduït, es transforma i converteix en un nou text. La traducció li permet navegar entre les diferents llengües mitjançant la creació de tota una xarxa de pensaments. Permet la interacció entre les experiències simultànies. És un procés fràgil, vulnerable, incomprès incompleta, amb les seves pròpies debilitats. El projecte pot tenir èxit o fracassar. El resultat, i fins i tot la seva pròpia realització, segueix sent incert. La seva vulnerabilitat radica precisament en la seva obertura, que és la seva pròpia naturalesa. Un dels aspectes de la idea artística és que l’art no és una representació singular.



L7 George Brock
The initial idea is to broaden the platforms for the the exchange in different contexts and languages in order to create a dialogue between place and people. It’s an unusual and shy concept, an idea based on the process of translation. And this text, once translated, transforms and becomes a new text. The translation allows to navigate between different languages through the means of creating a whole network of thoughts. It allows the interaction between simultaneous experiences. It’s a fragile, vulnerable and incomplete process, with its own weaknesses. The project can be a success or a failure. The result, and to a certain extent even its execution, still remains uncertain. It’s vulnerability is located precisely in it’s openness,  which is of its own nature. One of the aspects of the artistic idea is that art isn’t a singular representation.

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